Friday open forum: Auto bailout, Blagojevich, Minnesota Senate race, etc.

UPDATE: Blagojevich schedules a news conference for today at 2pm (CST). Gives me time to get some popcorn.
Just saw George Bush announce the 17.4 billion dollar loan program for the auto makers. They have three months to get their sorry act together or he says bankruptcy is coming. Problem is he won’t be there…
Coleman is only +2 on Franken. Gives me the creeps just typing it.
And Blago slows his demise.
Blago’s news conference.

Chris Matthews to oppose Arlen Specter in 2010?

The question mark is because the original blog to report this has backed off a little. Matthews, MSNBC’s Hardball host would most likely serve to mobilize conservatives in PA for Specter. Specter, a moderate Republican, might face a conservative challenge in the primary but would likely prevail. He is very popular here.
And in other news, Al Franken is still a loser.