Trump’s Reelection Strategy: Class Warfare

Donald Trump couldn’t make his strategy any clearer: class warfare.

From today:

The rule Trump rescinded required proof of compliance with the Fair Housing Act. Trump has interpreted it as a wedge to keep poor people away from the middle class. Given the intent in 1968 to stop racial discrimination in housing and Trump’s actions blow a racial dogwhistle as well.

Obviously, Trump is only president of people who like him, and among those people, the middle class and the rich. Low income people (too bad poor MAGAs) are considered invaders who make suburban neighborhoods unsafe and bother the white housewives who inhabit them. It has long been clear that Trump has distain for low income people; this just makes it transparent.

I leave this with some Scripture from James 2 –

My brothers,[a] show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. 2 For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, 3 and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” 4 have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? 5 Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor man. Are not the rich the ones who oppress you, and the ones who drag you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who blaspheme the honorable name by which you were called?

31 thoughts on “Trump’s Reelection Strategy: Class Warfare”

  1. Hey Warren,
    Looks like you 2016 wish candidate Kasich is endorsing Biden, showing his true colors.

    Who are you endorsing this election?

    1. And what are Kasich’s “true colors”? other than that he opposes the con man currently in the white house?

      1. He had too, or else he wouldn’t be able to cash out his administration resume to Google, sad he whores himself out like this.

  2. Clearly, Trump hasn’t visited many suburban neighborhoods in the last 40 years or so. Lord, he’d have a stroke in mine–we’re every bit as diverse as any neighborhood downtown. And how many “suburban housewives” has he ever known?

    If you’re living in a house you’ve bought within the last decade, it takes two incomes to live in it and raise a family. As in so much else, Trump is living in some “Ozzie and Harriet” 1950’s fantasy land. It’s not going to go over well with most voters.

    As far as Trump’s re-election strategies go, though, I’m much more worried about his and his lackey DeJoy’s destruction of the Post Office, to make mail-in voting risky. He doesn’t care whose bills don’t get paid on time, or whose medicines don’t show up–he just wants to slow down the mail enough to force people to vote in person, hoping that Democrats will stay home.

    1. That could backfire on him big time, especially as many of his prospective voters are older and rural, and thus may need mail in more than the Democrats.

      1. I don’t see it that way. Trump’s die-hard followers would go out in hurricane to vote for him if he claimed it was “safe.”

        In fact, I suspect the major cause of “fraud” in this election due to mail-in ballots would be by Trump supporters trying to vote twice, once via mail-in, once in person.

  3. Just like Christians opposing Trump can cite James 2 to justify themselves, Christians who support Trump can use 2 Thessalonians 3 to justify their respective political beliefs. Such people might say that poverty caused by laziness and preference to live on welfare is antithetical to the Christian faith. Like I said before, it is totally fine for Christians to disagree politically and vote their respective conscience in a liberal democracy, because at the end of the day, none of us fully understand all the scriptures, and it is only up to God to judge all of us.

    1. As Abraham Lincoln said in a similar situation, if two diametrically opposed sides are both claiming God’s support, both *may* be, but one *must* be, wrong.

    2. Is denying reality for the sake of politics a Christians trait too? There’s no evidence to support the idea that welfare causes systemic “laziness” or an unwillingness to work. Time and again, studies have shown the opposite. When people are given assistance through welfare programs, most of them use it as pathway to improving their lives and those of their children through an improved ability to find and hold down employment.

      1. As far as I know, for the past 40 years, Republicans were not trying to totally get rid of welfare and other social service programs, nor they were saying that welfare is bad. Rather, they were acknowledging the abuse of the welfare system and wanted to severely limit the government spending, and some of them used 2 Thessalonians 3 to justify their political position.

        I also wonder if Christians who naively believe everything that BLM preaches are denying reality?

        1. You should search on Ronald Reagan and his “Welfare Queen” narrative that grossly misrepresented welfare recipients.

          Perhaps you can point to some republican proposals from the last 40 years to reform the welfare system and address the abuses they worried about. Rather than to just cut spending without any real plan to help those in need.

          1. I remember that 25 years ago, Republicans in Congress have introduced measures to reform public assistance and President Clinton has agreed and signed off on them. Whether it was effective or not, is obviously, debatable.

            It is so appropriate that you brought up Reagan because in two months, it will be 40 years anniversary when he ran against the incumbent President Jimmy Carter in elections and won. It is important to know that both candidates were committed Christians but had totally opposite political beliefs regarding the economy and poverty. Perhaps, Carter was inspired by James 2, as well. Obviously, Carter and Reagan reflected the views of Christians across the nation. So, 1980 elections is the perfect example of Christians being on different sides of a political spectrum. 2004 elections of Bush vs. Kerry is another example.

  4. this isn’t really “re-election” strategy, Trump has always done this sort of thing.

    Frankly, I just see his attacks on mail-in voting as his only “re-election strategy” everything else is Trump being Trump.

    1. and speaking of his mail-in voter fraud claims. A federal judge ordered the Trump campaign to provide evidence of voter fraud claims. It is going to be fun to see what they come up with.

  5. He made his position clear long before the EC appointed him to the presidency. He would be president for those who love him and give him money. He pretended, for a few moments, during the inaugural speech written by someone else, that he would be president for all, but he’d already told and shown us who he is and who he intended to be. For those of us who had been watching him over the past 4 decades, it came as no surprise.

          1. Another way to look at it is that Trump’s incompetence has gotten so bad that even the white supremacists are dumping him.

  6. The documented rise in White Domestic Terrorism will likely only continue to rise, thus all the more reason to continue tracking the frothing-at-the-mouth hatred & hysteria coming from White Nationalist Evangelicals between now through November 4, and the period between November and January as well.

  7. I’m just so tired. If this year is supposed to be testing my Faith, it sure isn’t messing around.

    1. My faith in God is still relatively intact. My faith in the people and institutions in this country that claim to represent Him? Dead On Arrival.

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