Barton responds to his critics

about the same way he does history.

On his Wallbuilders website, David Barton responds to our book Getting Jefferson Right and to reviews of The Jefferson Lies by Clay Jenkinson and Alan Pell Crawford.

At least he mentions a few of the things we actually wrote about in Getting Jefferson Right.

Click the link to read it. It is pretty long  so I will reply to it tomorrow sometime. In the mean time, I’d be interested in comments.

I actually kind of like the sound of William…

12 thoughts on “Barton responds to his critics”

  1. Even Barton’s response is written in a childish manner. The first 8 paragraphs or so are entirely irrelevant to anything. I suppose if one worships the man then you would assume all that is profound, but really, what trip.

    I would imagine the main reason GJR was published via eBook was the time factor — there is no way it could have been made available in time to rebut Barton’s using normal publishing channels. I love eBooks and only purchase bound versions if there is absolutely no other alternative. I suspect it is also easier to get a book published when you rub noses with Glen Beck on TV all the time.

    The bottom line, Barton acts like someone who has just had a very bright light shined on him and is probably hearing from people who don’t hang on his every word. That must be a very uncomfortable position, esp if he feels it necessary to write all that bilge in response.

    Before I thought he was just another nutty ideologue, but I’m starting to think he may very well be a full-fledged con man.

  2. Barton claims that he is:

    Recognized as an historical expert by both state and federal courts;


    Called to testify as an historical expert by both the federal and state legislatures;


    Selected as an historical expert by State Boards of Education across the nation to assist in writing history and social studies standards for those states;


    Consulted as an historical expert by public school textbook publishers, helping write best-selling history


    “….typical history works by modern elitist professors generally sell very poorly; and seeing their own influence wane, they often lash out and condescendingly criticize the more popular documentary works” Publish or Perish? Oh please…. I can see so many red herrings on the offing – not to mention cheap shots.

  3. I found very annoying his snide remarks (including the irrelevant comment that Warren writes about gay issues) and his “looking down my nose at you” tone. He needs to take his criticisms one by one and try to show why they are not true, not blab on about psychobabble and all the arrogant knowledgable professors who aren’t as good/wise/spiritual/qualified as he is.

  4. From the beginning when he starts talking about “Poststructionalism” – I got sleepy. What is it that people think they can through out such nebulous terms thinking they are going to dazzle you, when they likely don’t know what they’re talking about?

  5. That was a weird article. William/Warren has annoyed this man enough that it would be shocking to not know the name. Also the citations were not for William. Also, things may have changed since I left GCC but back then it seems like they emphasized quality of teaching and NOT publish or perish. I’ve seen publish or perish in action and never saw such a thing at GCC in either of the 2 departments I majored in. Further neither Warren or Dr. Coulter are exactly lacking in well-respected publications.

    I appreciate the book originally being available as an ebook as I, like many people, prefer ebooks and waiting longer for a paper copy is not attractive if the ebook can be available first. And if college students can post a paper this way, well, good for them. I can think of many times as a graduate student that I would have been extremely grateful to have a full-text available immediately instead of submitting a request, waiting for it to be mailed from another library, and then trying to figure out why I wanted it in the first place. We can all learn from one another as long as we aren’t so caught up in our own credentials and accolades that we neglect to remember that a degree or what is on our CV does not indicate knowledge in all areas. I have a master’s in healthcare and that means I could learn tons about math or economics or computer programming.

    Or we can seemingly declare that we are the sole expert on one topic in the world and attack those who disagree. I’d think a response focused on why Barton’s book is the one to choose (that isn’t because “I’m better qualified”, but instead based on refuting actual content from the William Throckmorton/Coulter book.

  6. Even Barton’s response is written in a childish manner. The first 8 paragraphs or so are entirely irrelevant to anything. I suppose if one worships the man then you would assume all that is profound, but really, what trip.

    I would imagine the main reason GJR was published via eBook was the time factor — there is no way it could have been made available in time to rebut Barton’s using normal publishing channels. I love eBooks and only purchase bound versions if there is absolutely no other alternative. I suspect it is also easier to get a book published when you rub noses with Glen Beck on TV all the time.

    The bottom line, Barton acts like someone who has just had a very bright light shined on him and is probably hearing from people who don’t hang on his every word. That must be a very uncomfortable position, esp if he feels it necessary to write all that bilge in response.

    Before I thought he was just another nutty ideologue, but I’m starting to think he may very well be a full-fledged con man.

  7. I found very annoying his snide remarks (including the irrelevant comment that Warren writes about gay issues) and his “looking down my nose at you” tone. He needs to take his criticisms one by one and try to show why they are not true, not blab on about psychobabble and all the arrogant knowledgable professors who aren’t as good/wise/spiritual/qualified as he is.

  8. That was a weird article. William/Warren has annoyed this man enough that it would be shocking to not know the name. Also the citations were not for William. Also, things may have changed since I left GCC but back then it seems like they emphasized quality of teaching and NOT publish or perish. I’ve seen publish or perish in action and never saw such a thing at GCC in either of the 2 departments I majored in. Further neither Warren or Dr. Coulter are exactly lacking in well-respected publications.

    I appreciate the book originally being available as an ebook as I, like many people, prefer ebooks and waiting longer for a paper copy is not attractive if the ebook can be available first. And if college students can post a paper this way, well, good for them. I can think of many times as a graduate student that I would have been extremely grateful to have a full-text available immediately instead of submitting a request, waiting for it to be mailed from another library, and then trying to figure out why I wanted it in the first place. We can all learn from one another as long as we aren’t so caught up in our own credentials and accolades that we neglect to remember that a degree or what is on our CV does not indicate knowledge in all areas. I have a master’s in healthcare and that means I could learn tons about math or economics or computer programming.

    Or we can seemingly declare that we are the sole expert on one topic in the world and attack those who disagree. I’d think a response focused on why Barton’s book is the one to choose (that isn’t because “I’m better qualified”, but instead based on refuting actual content from the William Throckmorton/Coulter book.

  9. Barton claims that he is:

    Recognized as an historical expert by both state and federal courts;


    Called to testify as an historical expert by both the federal and state legislatures;


    Selected as an historical expert by State Boards of Education across the nation to assist in writing history and social studies standards for those states;


    Consulted as an historical expert by public school textbook publishers, helping write best-selling history


    “….typical history works by modern elitist professors generally sell very poorly; and seeing their own influence wane, they often lash out and condescendingly criticize the more popular documentary works” Publish or Perish? Oh please…. I can see so many red herrings on the offing – not to mention cheap shots.

  10. From the beginning when he starts talking about “Poststructionalism” – I got sleepy. What is it that people think they can through out such nebulous terms thinking they are going to dazzle you, when they likely don’t know what they’re talking about?

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