4 thoughts on “Ghana: Mills adminstration says no to decriminalization”

  1. Ghana: Mills adminstration says no to decriminalization

    What an interesting news item !! Just out of curiousity, was the Mills administration in Ghana expected to say YES to same-sex marriage and then order loads of confetti from hurricane-ravaged New York for the gay victory parade in Ghanaian cities? And perhaps, import Evangelist/Pyschologist/”Reverend” Dr Warren Throckmorton to solemnize the “man-to-man marriages” and “woman-to-woman marriages”?

  2. What is under discussion here is not same-sex marriage but the decriminalization of consensual sexual acts in private.
    And what have hurricanes got to do with anything? Or indeed – for that matter – mudslides? http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/-/688334/1227590/-/bjtefiz/-/index.html
    By the way, I’m very sorry to hear about this latest tragedy. A good friend of mine visited the site of the mudslide in Budada in 2010 and was very shocked by what he witnessed; he managed to raise quite a bit of money to assist survivors.
    I am not aware of any of my Uganda friends having been affected this time; as far as I know, none of my friends on the US East Coast has been affected by either Tropical Storm Irene or the recent earthquake.

  3. Ghana: Mills adminstration says no to decriminalization

    What an interesting news item !! Just out of curiousity, was the Mills administration in Ghana expected to say YES to same-sex marriage and then order loads of confetti from hurricane-ravaged New York for the gay victory parade in Ghanaian cities? And perhaps, import Evangelist/Pyschologist/”Reverend” Dr Warren Throckmorton to solemnize the “man-to-man marriages” and “woman-to-woman marriages”?

  4. What is under discussion here is not same-sex marriage but the decriminalization of consensual sexual acts in private.
    And what have hurricanes got to do with anything? Or indeed – for that matter – mudslides? http://www.monitor.co.ug/News/National/-/688334/1227590/-/bjtefiz/-/index.html
    By the way, I’m very sorry to hear about this latest tragedy. A good friend of mine visited the site of the mudslide in Budada in 2010 and was very shocked by what he witnessed; he managed to raise quite a bit of money to assist survivors.
    I am not aware of any of my Uganda friends having been affected this time; as far as I know, none of my friends on the US East Coast has been affected by either Tropical Storm Irene or the recent earthquake.

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