MassResistance links to Anti-Homosexuality Bill then misleads readers about it

Earlier today, anti-gay group MassResistance posted a link to the Anti-Homosexuality Bill and then misled their readers about what is in it. In a message to supporters, MassResistance said this about the Ugandan bill:

* The proposed Ugandan law that has liberals here in America so incensed proposed harsh punishments for those who knowingly expose people to AIDS and adults who seduce children or people with mental disabilities into homosexual sex acts. It’s not far out of line with most people’s sensibilities. But nevertheless, Lively did not propose the law; he simply told Ugandans his observations of the homosexual agenda.

Guess I’m a liberal.

I wonder if many of their readers will click through and read the bill. If they do, they will find that, in addition to the behaviors noted by MassResistance, people engaging in consensual adult homosexuality would receive the death penalty if they were repeat offenders or had HIV (even if unknown to them). They would also find this section of the bill:

2. The offence of homosexuality.

(1) A person commits the offence of homosexuality if-

(a) he penetrates the anus or mouth of another person of the same sex with his penis or any other sexual contraption;

(b) he or she uses any object or sexual contraption to penetrate or stimulate sexual organ of a person of the same sex;

(e) he or she touches another person with the intention of committing the act of homosexuality.

(2) A person who commits an offence under this section shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for life.

Apparently MassResistance does not view life in prison for two consenting adults intimately touching each other to be a harsh penalty. In addition, MassResistance does not tell readers that the bill would criminalize free speech and freedom of assembly, and would provide criminal penalties for failure to turn in gay people to the authorities.

MassResistance also tells readers that the Pink Swastika is well researched.   Well, I would say it differently. It seems to me that Lively and Abrams had to work very hard to read some of their sources and overlook the material which disconfirmed what they believed. Their selective citations were meticulous in some cases (see this one for example). For more on the book, see this page.

MassResistance refers readers to the WorldNetDaily tribute to the Pink Swastika but fails to tell their supporters that references to the Pink Swastika were removed from websites hosted by Campus Crusade for Christ, Exodus International, and the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality. WorldNetDaily also told their readers that the only people who dislike the book are gays. I suspect CCC, Exodus and NARTH will be surprised to learn that they are liberal gay organizations?

MassResistance also wants you to believe Scott Lively got a raw deal from the Boston Globe. Given the couple of things I have pointed out, you should check it out for yourself.

30 thoughts on “MassResistance links to Anti-Homosexuality Bill then misleads readers about it”

  1. you are a ‘radical’ – i.e. ones who looks at the ‘root’ of an issue, and considers its true implications.

    Richard Willmer,

    I have never heard a radical described in this way. Is this a well known definition?

  2. @ Warren : You’re no ‘liberal’; you are a ‘radical’ – i.e. ones who looks at the ‘root’ of an issue, and considers its true implications. Much better!

  3. Might there be a link with the anti-gay campaign in MN, and Pawlenty’s recent appearance on Bryan Fischer’s show (see another item on this blog)?

  4. Yes, it is all connected, closer to Bachman but Tim P. is definitely pandering.

  5. Ann

    The word ‘radical’ comes from the Latin ‘radix’, meaning ‘root’. In the context of politics, the word means ‘advanced’, or ‘progressive’. I think such descriptions fit Warren’s careful analysis rather well.

  6. Ann

    The word ‘radical’ comes from the Latin ‘radix’, meaning ‘root’. In the context of politics, the word means ‘advanced’, or ‘progressive’. I think such descriptions fit Warren’s careful analysis rather well.

  7. you are a ‘radical’ – i.e. ones who looks at the ‘root’ of an issue, and considers its true implications.

    Richard Willmer,

    I have never heard a radical described in this way. Is this a well known definition?

  8. @ Warren : You’re no ‘liberal’; you are a ‘radical’ – i.e. ones who looks at the ‘root’ of an issue, and considers its true implications. Much better!

  9. Might there be a link with the anti-gay campaign in MN, and Pawlenty’s recent appearance on Bryan Fischer’s show (see another item on this blog)?

  10. Nice spin Tim, more “known falsehoods.” Warren, Tim followed us here from my local Minnesota Independent that I use to refute his attempt to promote Lively’s Nazi Revisionism in my state, vomit select and distorted scripture on everyone and boast how much of a better Christian he is than everyone else and dominate all the threads in an organized smear campaign against SPLC. Same standard issue fundamentalist Dominionism/ Reconstructionist drivel. I suspect he is a minion for either the FRC or its state Hate Group Minnesota Family Council. Tim is even trying to sell that secular humanism is a religion and the homosexuals are going to bring Sharia Law. Oh, and they are Nazi’s too. Very Sprigg/ Fischer/ Lively of him don’t ya think? Tim is perpetuating an active hate campaign in Minnesota.

  11. Nice spin Tim, more “known falsehoods.” Warren, Tim followed us here from my local Minnesota Independent that I use to refute his attempt to promote Lively’s Nazi Revisionism in my state, vomit select and distorted scripture on everyone and boast how much of a better Christian he is than everyone else and dominate all the threads in an organized smear campaign against SPLC. Same standard issue fundamentalist Dominionism/ Reconstructionist drivel. I suspect he is a minion for either the FRC or its state Hate Group Minnesota Family Council. Tim is even trying to sell that secular humanism is a religion and the homosexuals are going to bring Sharia Law. Oh, and they are Nazi’s too. Very Sprigg/ Fischer/ Lively of him don’t ya think? Tim is perpetuating an active hate campaign in Minnesota.

  12. We meet again, Tim.

    Many of us who participate in this debate have seen recordings of Lively ‘in action’. There can be little doubt that his behaviour in relation to Uganda has given ‘justification’ to the violent homophobia already all-too-evident in places like Uganda. Lively himself boasted of his ‘nuclear bombs’ (and what do nuclear bombs tend to do to people apart from killing them?).

    He might have been ‘surprised’ by what Bahati and his cronies came up with (and then again he might not have been); if he was surprised, then he is clearly incredibly stupid; if not, he is clearly incredibly malicious. Take your pick.

    One final point: these ‘liberals’ you decry do not go round trying to incite violence against those with whom they disagree.

  13. We meet again, Tim.

    Many of us who participate in this debate have seen recordings of Lively ‘in action’. There can be little doubt that his behaviour in relation to Uganda has given ‘justification’ to the violent homophobia already all-too-evident in places like Uganda. Lively himself boasted of his ‘nuclear bombs’ (and what do nuclear bombs tend to do to people apart from killing them?).

    He might have been ‘surprised’ by what Bahati and his cronies came up with (and then again he might not have been); if he was surprised, then he is clearly incredibly stupid; if not, he is clearly incredibly malicious. Take your pick.

    One final point: these ‘liberals’ you decry do not go round trying to incite violence against those with whom they disagree.

  14. Well, according to the article you site, Lively was surprised by the bill and never promoted death to gays. So your suggestion to paint Lively as someone that want to kill gays is bogus.

    “Lively says he was surprised by the bill and asserts he did not push for the death penalty or support it. He said he told the Ugandan leaders that they should not punish gays but send them to government-sponsored “reparative therapy’’ to make them straight.”

    This is just another liberal media smear campaign, trying to paint anyone that disagrees as hate, when the real hatred comes from the gays and their leadership that plot to kill those that disagree, by labeling them terrorists, like the SPLC is trying to do.

  15. Well, according to the article you site, Lively was surprised by the bill and never promoted death to gays. So your suggestion to paint Lively as someone that want to kill gays is bogus.

    “Lively says he was surprised by the bill and asserts he did not push for the death penalty or support it. He said he told the Ugandan leaders that they should not punish gays but send them to government-sponsored “reparative therapy” to make them straight.”

    This is just another liberal media smear campaign, trying to paint anyone that disagrees as hate, when the real hatred comes from the gays and their leadership that plot to kill those that disagree, by labeling them terrorists, like the SPLC is trying to do.

  16. anteros – By now it has become easier to spot these things. I trust nothing coming from these groups and verify any claim of interest. stephen is correct that such behavior has consequences.

  17. anteros – By now it has become easier to spot these things. I trust nothing coming from these groups and verify any claim of interest. stephen is correct that such behavior has consequences.

  18. And this is why MassResistance was recently placed on SPLC’c list of hate groups. Not because they are delusion bigots but because they actively spread lies to damage a whole class of people.

  19. i used to think that most of those who propagated misinformation on the bill were doing it by accident, out of carelessness and or ignorance.

    then it became obvious that many of them knew exactly what they were doing… especially those who responded negatively to correction.

    it looks like they have been invited to participate in a well coordinated effort to mislead people about the bill using the same “inaccurate information”.

    back when the bill was new, this could have been excused as “inaccurate information” …it may have been carelessly copied and pasted around. but when one considers the number of times Warren and others have tirelessly corrected the same “inaccurate information” for more than a year now… at this stage, it becomes difficult not to call the “inaccurate information” -lies- and those responsible -liars-.

    Warren, thanks for exposing and correcting yet another source of misleading information.

  20. And this is why MassResistance was recently placed on SPLC’c list of hate groups. Not because they are delusion bigots but because they actively spread lies to damage a whole class of people.

  21. i used to think that most of those who propagated misinformation on the bill were doing it by accident, out of carelessness and or ignorance.

    then it became obvious that many of them knew exactly what they were doing… especially those who responded negatively to correction.

    it looks like they have been invited to participate in a well coordinated effort to mislead people about the bill using the same “inaccurate information”.

    back when the bill was new, this could have been excused as “inaccurate information” …it may have been carelessly copied and pasted around. but when one considers the number of times Warren and others have tirelessly corrected the same “inaccurate information” for more than a year now… at this stage, it becomes difficult not to call the “inaccurate information” -lies- and those responsible -liars-.

    Warren, thanks for exposing and correcting yet another source of misleading information.

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