World Net Daily hearts the Pink Swastika

In a given month, World Net Daily numbers page views in the millions; I number mine in the thousands. So I know that repeating the critique of the Pink Swastika will not reach the number of people now misled by WND but here goes anyway…

WND has a superstore with an apparently spanking new edition of Scott Lively’s The Pink Swastika in it. WND site owner Joseph Farah gives a shout out to TPS without addressing any of the criticisms. He says he has read all of the criticism, but he attributes it to “homosexual bloggers.” Well, I am not a homosexual blogger; Grove City colleague and historian Jon David Wynekin is not a homosexual blogger and we spent lots of time and detail demonstrating the flaws in the book. Campus Crusade for Christ is not a homosexual blogger organization and it removed an exerpt of The Pink Swastika from one of their websites. Exodus International is not a homosexuality affirming organization but they removed the link to The Pink Swastika. NARTH is hardly a gay affirming bunch but they removed all references to Scott Lively and The Pink Swastika.

Maybe Joseph Farah didn’t know that; maybe he doesn’t care, having already made up his mind.

16 thoughts on “World Net Daily hearts the Pink Swastika”

  1. Here is an interesting sample of Lively’s impeccable historical scholarship. It comes from his online article Homosexuality and the Nazi Party, which can be found at:

    In 1919, Adolf Hitler entered the German Workers Party which was founded by members of the racist Thule Society. This, in fact [sic], was the German branch of the Theosophical society which was founded in the 1870s by two homosexual men, Henry Olcott and convicted pedophile Charles Leadbeater, and two lesbians, Helena P. Blavatsky, a Russian born medium and Annie Beasant [sic] a former Fabian Socialist.

    How many mistakes / groundless assertions in one brief paragraph – actually only half of the original paragraph?

    (1) The German branch of the Theosophical Society was established in the 1890s. The Thule Society did not come into existence until the following century and was not the German branch of the Theosophical Society. The founder of the Thule Society and other German racists may well have been influenced in some respects by Theosophical ideas, e.g. Madame Blavatsky’s belief in the “seven root races” of humanity, of which she believed the Aryan to be the fifth, but the Thule Society sought to achieve Aryan supremacy, whereas the first object of the Theosophical Society was, and still is, “To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.” Racism of any kind is a negation of what the Theosophical Society stands for.

    (2) There is not one shred of evidence to suggest that Colonel Olcott was homosexual.

    (3) The Rev. Charles Webster Leadbeater was almost certainly a paedophile, or perhaps more accurately a pederast, but he was never convicted of anything – even if he should have been.

    (4) The evidence that Madame Blavatsky was a lesbian is very weak, and the evidence that Mrs Besant was a lesbian is weaker still. In fact it isn’t really evidence at all, but pure conjecture. I notice that he can’t even get the spelling of Besant’s name right.

    (5) Neither Charles Leadbeater nor Annie Besant was a founder of the Theosophical Society, which was founded in New York in 1875. Leadbeater did not join it until 1883, Besant not until 1889.

  2. Actually, I have to admit that in one respect I’ve been as careless as Lively and Abrams. The article which I quoted was The Other Side of the Pink Triangle, which immediately follows Lively’s Homosexuality and the Nazi Party on the same web page, and it is not by Lively himself but by his collaborator Abrams.

  3. I hear Lively is trying to be ‘more cuddly’ these days! (I can’t remember where I saw this – was it on this blog?)

  4. Worldnet Daily and Joseph Farah heart the Swastika. After all, Farah is a Falangist, a Lebanese Christian fascist.

  5. Worldnet Daily and Joseph Farah heart the Swastika. After all, Farah is a Falangist, a Lebanese Christian fascist.

  6. I hear Lively is trying to be ‘more cuddly’ these days! (I can’t remember where I saw this – was it on this blog?)

  7. Actually, I have to admit that in one respect I’ve been as careless as Lively and Abrams. The article which I quoted was The Other Side of the Pink Triangle, which immediately follows Lively’s Homosexuality and the Nazi Party on the same web page, and it is not by Lively himself but by his collaborator Abrams.

  8. Here is an interesting sample of Lively’s impeccable historical scholarship. It comes from his online article Homosexuality and the Nazi Party, which can be found at:

    In 1919, Adolf Hitler entered the German Workers Party which was founded by members of the racist Thule Society. This, in fact [sic], was the German branch of the Theosophical society which was founded in the 1870s by two homosexual men, Henry Olcott and convicted pedophile Charles Leadbeater, and two lesbians, Helena P. Blavatsky, a Russian born medium and Annie Beasant [sic] a former Fabian Socialist.

    How many mistakes / groundless assertions in one brief paragraph – actually only half of the original paragraph?

    (1) The German branch of the Theosophical Society was established in the 1890s. The Thule Society did not come into existence until the following century and was not the German branch of the Theosophical Society. The founder of the Thule Society and other German racists may well have been influenced in some respects by Theosophical ideas, e.g. Madame Blavatsky’s belief in the “seven root races” of humanity, of which she believed the Aryan to be the fifth, but the Thule Society sought to achieve Aryan supremacy, whereas the first object of the Theosophical Society was, and still is, “To form a nucleus of the universal brotherhood of humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or colour.” Racism of any kind is a negation of what the Theosophical Society stands for.

    (2) There is not one shred of evidence to suggest that Colonel Olcott was homosexual.

    (3) The Rev. Charles Webster Leadbeater was almost certainly a paedophile, or perhaps more accurately a pederast, but he was never convicted of anything – even if he should have been.

    (4) The evidence that Madame Blavatsky was a lesbian is very weak, and the evidence that Mrs Besant was a lesbian is weaker still. In fact it isn’t really evidence at all, but pure conjecture. I notice that he can’t even get the spelling of Besant’s name right.

    (5) Neither Charles Leadbeater nor Annie Besant was a founder of the Theosophical Society, which was founded in New York in 1875. Leadbeater did not join it until 1883, Besant not until 1889.

  9. I think he needed more hugs as a child, Lively. You get the idea he used to kill small animals too.

  10. More people would visit your blog if you said outrageous and distorted things.


  11. I think he needed more hugs as a child, Lively. You get the idea he used to kill small animals too.

  12. More people would visit your blog if you said outrageous and distorted things.


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