Ugandan official blames parents for homosexuality

From yesterday’s New Vision, a Ugandan news source:

Minister blames gay on parents

MUKONO – Ethics and integrity minister James Nsaba Buturo has blamed homosexuality in Uganda on failure by parents and guardians to bring up their children in an upright manner. He made the remarks on Sunday while attending the fundraising ceremony for the expansion of St. Luke Anglican Church at Seeta. Buturo asked parents to join the battle against homosexuality by bringing up their children well.

Minister Buturo has been supporting the crack down on homosexuals from at least the Spring when he promoted the ex-gay conference, involving Don Schmierer, Caleb Brundidge and Scott Lively. I wonder where Buturo heard this concept? Could it have been here or here?

Next month, you can go here to hear similar things.

5 thoughts on “Ugandan official blames parents for homosexuality”

  1. Dear Warren… I really appreciate your work… it has stimulated me a lot lately because I have been really helped through Exodus type of ministry and NARTH… I would have been unhappy to receive SIT type of therapy because I wanted to explore if change was possible for me… and it helped to grow heterosexual potential and decrease homosexual attraction… about Uganda: my point was to take an imaginary journey to show that connecting “blame parents” and Uganda is not fair… I think Nicolosi’s new book and Janelle Hallmann’s new book are excellent tools for therapists… and they are more balanced I have ever seen in this arena… I mean they integrate attachment theory and temperament issues into reparative therapy… Nicolosi has made some over statements I think… he says he believes his theory is applied to all gay men and but then he says somewhere that there may be other types of homosexuality too… all he writes could be from my life… and my friends have read that too and say the same… I don’t understand why you should believe instantly what parents say about their parenting or a gay client says about his / her childhood… I mean it is not lies but some underdeveloped self knowledge is hindering the view because what you have experienced is normal to you… without 3 years in therapy I would have accused my father for my homosexuaity but now I see all as a complex process where the relationship with mother affacted my temperament and then sexual assault, the fear of father where all important… I consider sexual abuse which caused inability to have close enough relations with boys the main cause in my case… if father would have been warm it would have prevented those effects… attachment research says that early attachment relations affects biology (stress coping, brains etc)

  2. Jon – Funny that you would think of it as a crusade against the reparative notion. I think of my work as a search for the best way to understand the totality of the research.

    Jon can you show me someplace where people think homosexuality is based on something prenatal where parents have been put in prison?

  3. Dear Warren… your crusade against “parents made me gay” thinking is going far now… What if they would have believed a lie that homosexuality is in genes? They would suggest to put into prison also parents and their relatives so they would not spread their genes to next generations? Well… Uganda laws and the etiology of homosexuality is two different issues…

  4. I wonder where Buturo heard this concept?

    What are you implying, Warren? Are you suggesting that Don Schmierer, Caleb Brundidge and Scott Lively somehow have some culpability? That they may have been used by the Ugandan government in some way? That they haven’t stepped up and spoken up?

  5. Of course the parents are responsible. If they had not conceived the child there is no way for spreading homosexuality.

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