Call for research participants: Gay, ex-gay, ex-ex-gay and married?

If you identify as gay ex-gay or ex-ex-gay and are heterosexually married or have ever been, please contact me via email at [email protected].  Just put “research study” in the subject line. You do not need to identify yourself by name at this time, just simply email to indicate your possible interest and I will provide details.

Feel free to post elsewhere…

One thought on “Call for research participants: Gay, ex-gay, ex-ex-gay and married?”

  1. Hello,

    I am a graduate student in Clinical Psychology and I am currently working on research regarding discrimination based on ethnic identify and/or sexual orientation. Any individual over the age of 18 may participate. My study is online, takes less than 20 minutes to complete, and is completely anonymous. Participants may enter to win a $20 cash prize for participating. I would appreciate it if you would please forward my email to your email list or personal contacts. Any help would be much appreciated! The study ad is included below and in the attachment. If you would like more information about the study before deciding whether or not to help, please contact me at the email address below.

    Thank you,

    Angela Burgess, BS

    Clinical Graduate Student

    University of Houston – Clear Lake

    [email protected]

    [email protected]


    The mind is a beautiful thing…

    Help us learn more about it!

    Help further our knowledge about relationships between

    ethnic identity, sexual orientation, and discrimination….

    And… enter to win one of several

    $20 dollar cash prizes

    Just click on the following link to do the short survey (under 20 minutes). Participation is anonymous; the only identifying information you may be asked for is your email address to send payment should you win one of the cash prizes. Information will never be sold or shared, and is only for research purposes.

    This study is a part of a graduate research project by Angela Burgess, BS

    and faculty supervisor, Dr. William D. Norwood,

    at the University of Houston- Clear Lake



    Ethnic Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Discrimination Study

    Or enter the website address below

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